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Please fill out an application below

Talent Parkside Apartments Online Application Form

"*" indicates required fields

We do not charge an application fee.

This application is submitted for approval to rent a non-specific rental unit. Upon acceptance all rental units currently or soon to be open will be made available.

Applications will be screened in the order received. A picture identification will be required to enter into a rental agreement. If you are relying on income from another member of your household or from a family member an additional application must be submitted.

Rental Screening Criteria

Income:  Applicants must document sufficient consistently available funds to pay monthly rent.  Funds available each month must be equal to three times the monthly rent (net of any vouchers).  Gross income from salary or wages, or from most other sources will be considered.

Rental History:  Applicants must have clear verifiable rental history for a period of at least 12 months. Documented home ownership, along with documentation of the related mortgage payments, is acceptable in concert with or in lieu of rental history.

Criminal Record:  Persons with a criminal conviction involving drugs, personal injury, or property damage will not qualify as tenants unless circumstances are presented that mitigate the record.

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You can also download and print our application form by clicking HERE, right clicking the PDF form, and saving it to your computer. You can then fax the completed form to (541) 535-6429.  No cover sheet is required. You can also scan the completed form and attach it in an e-mail to Our office is open 10am – 5pm, Monday through Friday. We will contact you within three business days of receiving your application.

Privacy Policy
Parkside will not share any information received by us, in connection with an application for rent or a resulting occupancy, with any third party, other than with law enforcement officers or if required by order of a court of law.

Fields marked with an asterisk* must be completed.

Talent Parkside Apartments does not allow pets.


MM slash DD slash YYYY
Date of Birth (for identification purposes only)*

Current Rental Information

Current Address*
Current Landlord's Name
Date Rent Began

Previous Rental Information - (if living at current address less than 18 months)

Previous Address
Previous Landlord's Name
Date Rent Began

Members of Household/Other Tenants


Work Address
Date Hired
Supervisor's Name


Other Important Questions

Other Information

Emergency Contact

Emergency Contact's Name*
Emergency Contact's Address*
Clear Signature

Please use your trackpad, mouse, stylus or touch screen to draw your e-signature...

Please Note: An electronic signature is necessary for us to complete your application process. If you have issues with electronically signing, be sure that javascript is enabled in your browser. Some devices may also not do well with electronic signature forms. If for any reason you are unable to electronically sign you will need to download a PDF copy of the form by clicking HERE, and provide a signed copy to us via fax, USPS, or by hand.

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.